Castor Fernandez
Painter - Sculptor - Set Designer
31 Jul 2020 - 11 Sep 2020 Art Downtown Vancouver - Live Painting Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Art Downtown

Art Downtown is a new outdoor summer program where artists are exhibiting and painting live in an outdoor space, with live music brought to you in partnership with Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA).

Now is the time when more than ever artists need our support and new opportunities. Art Downtown is a project that allows artists and the public to connect, inspire each other and share creativity.

Between June and September, artists will be presenting their work and techniques in the beautiful setting located at Lot 19 and Cathedral Square, downtown Vancouver. You can find us every Wednesday at the LOT 19 - 855 W Hastings St, Vancouver (starting June 17th) and every Friday at the Cathedral Square - 566 Richards St, Vancouver (starting June 19th) from 11 AM till 2 PM.

Please follow the instructions of our staff and volunteers regarding safe distancing and other health & safety guidance.

If you have any of these symptoms (fever, tiredness, dry cough), please do not attend this event.

Lot 19 Dates
June 17 & June 24th
July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29
Aug 5, 12, 19, 26,
Sept 2 & 9

Cathedral Square Dates
​June 19 & 26
July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31
Aug 7, 14, 21 & 28
Sept 4 & 11